The Eye Blog
Will I Need Glasses After Cataract Surgery?
It depends on your eyes, and on the cataract surgery choices you make. Cataracts are a clouding of the lens in the front of your eye. During...
Is Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery Better Than Traditional Cataract Surgery?
Quick Summary Laser-assisted cataract surgery is an impressive technology that produces precise results. Longer-term studies haven’t been able to show a benefit in patient outcomes from laser-assisted cataract surgery, compared to manual cataract surgery. Many eye...
Use The Mediterranean Diet to Fight Macular Degeneration
A study presented at ARVO suggests that a healthy Mediterranean diet could lower your risk for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) by nearly 40%. AMD is the leading cause of blindness in people over the age of 55. While there are treatments that can slow the...
New Study: Cataract Surgery Can Help You Live Longer
A new study shows that when you have cataract surgery, you may be helping more than just your vision. You could very well be prolonging your life. The study comes out of UCLA and is published in the January issue of JAMA Ophthalmology. It looked at over 74,000 women...
6 Health Problems That Could Be Detected During your Next Eye Exam
Your eyes may or may not be the window to your soul. We haven't come across clear medical evidence for that claim one way or another, so we'll leave that claim to the poets. We can, however, say with confidence that your eyes are windows to a whole range of health...
Advanced Cataract Surgery, Now Available on the Palouse
Today, Dr. Hoehn will perform the first cataract surgeries ever performed in Moscow using an advanced technology called Optiwave Refractive Analysis, commonly known as ORA. ORA is a piece of equipment that gives the surgeon real-time feedback during cataract surgery,...
What’s the Difference Between an Ophthalmologist & an Optometrist?
Here's the quick answer: ophthalmologists are eye surgeons who complete medical school, earn an MD degree, complete an ophthalmology residency and specialize in treating eye diseases and performing eye surgery. Optometrists are family eye doctors who complete...
Am I a Good Candidate for Lasik?
Lasik and PRK can be life-changing, but how do you know if you’re a good candidate? We’ve got four key criteria that can help you decide.